Projects & Tools

A collection of tools and projects I’ve built leveraging language models and AI to tackle technical challenges

Project Description Links
DigitalOcean: Spaces Presigned URL Helper Generates pre-signed URLs for secure, temporary access to objects in your DigitalOcean Spaces Bucket.
DigitalOcean: Configure Advanced Settings for Managed Databases Customize your DigitalOcean managed database configuration and generate the corresponding API request.
DigitalOcean: GenAI Platform Pricing Calculator Calculate your estimated costs for building GPU-powered AI agents with fully-managed deployment.
DigitalOcean: Firewall Manager Generate the API command to create and delete advanced firewall rules, including deny rules.
Controlling Eight Sleep with an ATOMS3 Dev Kit Use the ATOMS3 Dev Kit to create a small, dedicated button for temperature control. This tiny ESP32 device features an integrated display and button, making it perfect for the task.